
What we offer

Digital Asset Management

This includes developing and implementing strategies for storing and backing up digital assets, organizing and cataloging them, and ensuring their security and accessibility.

Intellectual Property

This involves providing guidance on copyright, licensing, and other legal issues related to digital assets, as well as developing policies and procedures for sharing and publishing digital content.

Media Production

This entails supervising the production and dissemination of digital content such as photos, videos, and other media, while ensuring that they are created in accordance with the objectives and principles of the organization.


About Claudio.one

As someone who works in Digital Possessions & Media, our job is to help people manage their digital assets such as photos, videos, crypto, NFT’s and documents. This means developing plans to keep their files safe and secure, organizing them in a way that makes them easy to find and use, and providing advice on legal issues related to sharing digital content. My main goal is to ensure that people can manage, preserve, and share their digital assets in the most effective and responsible way possible.

Overall, a Digital Possessions & Media company can offer a wide range of services to help individuals and organizations manage their digital assets and produce high-quality digital media.
Chief Digital Officer


We can provide analytics services to help organizations track and analyze the performance of their digital assets, as well as the engagement and impact of…

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Social Media Management

Social Media Management

Claudio.one offer social media management services, creating and curating content for social media platforms and helping organizations build their online presence. Social media management is…

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Claudio.one provide training services to help individuals and organizations develop the skills and knowledge needed to manage their digital assets effectively. We offer training services…

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Web Development

Web Development

As a Digital Possessions & Media company, we provide web development services that involve the creation of websites and digital platforms, intended to display and…

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Claudio.one offer digitization services to convert physical media such as photographs, film, and documents into digital format, making them more accessible and easier to manage.…

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Claudio.one provide consulting services to help organizations develop and implement digital asset management strategies and policies, and to advise on media production and distribution. Organizations…

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